Join Us!

You can join us as a Beaver, Cub or Scout. We have a separate page about volunteering opportunities.

Do you want to join us and have fun, make friends, and learn new skills? If so, you’re in luck! We have a few spaces available in our Beavers, Cubs, and Scouts sections. But hurry up, they won’t last long!

To join us, the first step is to get in touch. We’ll invite you to come to a taster session and see for yourself what we do and how much you enjoy it. We’re sure you’ll love it!

You need to ask your grown-up to fill out our Young Person Information Form in time for your first session. They can print and bring it along, or email it to us beforehand.


When you’re thinking about joining us, you don’t need to worry about uniform at first. You can come to your taster session and your first couple of meetings wearing whatever you like. But to be a real Beaver, Cub or Scout, you’ll need to be ‘invested’. This means you’ll make a promise to do your best and follow the Scout values.

To be invested, you’ll have to wear the uniform (we need you to wear the official jumper or t-shirt). You can find out more about the uniform our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts wear, and where the badges go, on their section page. You’ll then get to wear the 17th Hordle Scout Group necker, which is a special red scarf that shows you’re a member of our group.

You’ll then need to wear your uniform (including necker) at every meeting and event, unless we tell you otherwise.

How your family can help us…

We are very happy that you want to join us as a Beaver, Cub or Scout. We run lots of fun and exciting activities every week, and we can’t wait to see you grow and learn new skills. But we can’t do it alone. We need your grown-ups to help us too. We expect everyone to help at least once a term; it’s part of the deal! Here are some ways they can get involved:

  • Helping at meetings: We often need extra adults to help us run our meetings safely and smoothly. They can volunteer to help us with setting up, supervising games, or leading activities. They don’t need any special skills or experience, just a willingness to have fun and support you and your friends.
  • Fundraising activities: We need money to buy equipment and cover our running costs. They can help us raise money by taking part in fundraising activities, such as helping with the Jumble Sale, or our stall at the village fair. They can also help us find sponsors or apply for grants. Every penny counts and helps us provide you with a better experience.
  • Helping with building maintenance: Our group is really lucky to have its own building. We need to keep it clean, safe, and comfortable for everyone. They can help us with building maintenance by doing things like painting, repairing, gardening, or cleaning. We appreciate any help they can give us to maintain our meeting place
  • Joining the trustee board: We have a board of trustees that looks after the management of our group. They can join this and help us with things like planning, budgeting, communication, or recruitment. They can also share their ideas and feedback on how to improve our group. The board meets regularly and works closely with the leaders and the district. We need more parents to join it, and take on some responsibilities.
  • Becoming a leader: If your parents are passionate about Scouting and want to make a difference, they can become a leader. Leaders are the ones who plan and deliver the programme, mentor and inspire the young people, and uphold the values and principles of Scouting. Leaders receive training and support from the district and the national organisation. They also get to have lots of fun and adventure with you and your friends. We are always looking for new leaders to join our team and share their skills and enthusiasm.

As you can see, there are many ways your grown-ups can help us. They can find out more about our official volunteering opportunities here. We appreciate any kind of support they can offer, and we welcome them to our Scouting family. By helping us, they are also helping you and your friends gain skills for life!

Subscriptions and Costs

Once you join us, you’ll need to pay a subscription fee (we call them “subs”) at the start of each term. This covers the cost of most of our activities, equipment, and badges. Our subs are currently £40 per child per term, for all sections.

There are occasionally some activities that we have to charge for, like camps. But we keep those costs as low as possible.

We ask responsible adults to complete a Gift Aid form, if they’re eligible, as this allows us to claim back an extra 25% from the government on subs and donations. This helps us to keep our fees affordable and offer more opportunities to our members.